As I consider the need to preach both expositionally and evangelistically, I see both the importance of this and the difficulty that could be encountered in finding the balance. While our text does a very good job explaining this (almost making it sound like an easy, natural thing), I feel that it is an area lacking in churches today. We see churches who have gone to the extreme of catering their service for the non-believing seeker, and those that may appear to be an exclusive club.
In the wise words of Seth Lewis, "The Puritans have a lot of things right, and we just...don't." I was discussing the portion of the text which came after point five, "Fifth, the duties of God's worship must be full of strength, for they are not suitable to God otherwise, because God is a God infinite in power and glory Himself." He speaks of three aspects of strength which we must attend to. The portion about a strength of intention was so very convicting. How often do I allow other things and thoughts to invade my worship, prayer, and time in the Word?
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