To sum up an entire semester's worth of reading and discussing about the philosophy of worship, the most important concept would have to be logocentricity or Word-centrality. (I just like using fancy, made-up Greek words that need to be italicized.) Christian worship must be characterized by preaching the Word, praying the Word, seeing the Word and singing the Word. The only thing that has the power to change hearts is the Word of God. Therefore our reliance on other means is but in vain. The God of the Bible is revealed in the preaching of the Word. Therefore our hearts must be examined and prepared before attending to the Word. Our hearts are deceitful and wicked, escaping much examination. Therefore the Word must be brought to bear on it in testing. Affections wild, by sin defiled, are prone to go astray. But the Word provides such a range of expression, such a helpful focus!
Burrows' work is a treasure, Give Praise to God a mine, and Lewis' article a gem. Each to bathe in, delve in, and examine thoroughly, time and again.
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